You know them, those directors who….

You know them, those directors who walk through the office irritated in the evening, turning off all the lights. Quite useful in itself.
But at the same time, their servers use a thousand times more energy. They don’t see it; it’s hidden in the increasingly higher monthly bill from their cloud provider. And they just pay it, thinking that’s how it’s supposed to be.

The energy costs of computers are increasing because technologies from companies like Microsoft are becoming more complex, requiring more computing power. They build layer on layer. As a cloud provider, Microsoft has little incentive to reverse this trend; in fact, it serves their interest.

Actoren has broken this trend.

The technology of Actoren is 50 times more efficient than the existing technology. We achieved this by deliberately not using severely outdated technologies such as SQL servers. Instead, we developed a single vertically integrated application, resulting in a significant reduction in energy requirements while simultaneously providing a massive boost in processing speed.

This efficiency improvement has two benefits:

  • First, Actoren uses 50 times less energy. This is not only sustainable but also reduces energy costs.
  • And second, you get much faster responses, allowing people to work more quickly. And that is beneficial because it saves on labor costs.

This leads to a smarter, sustainable approach that saves costs while simultaneously improving business performance.

The own organization must also be sustainable

Real estate companies rightly promote sustainability. But you should also be sustainable within your own organization. Especially if, at the same time, you can save a lot of costs, directly on the energy bill, and directly on personnel expenses.

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