Tight-knit team since 1998, ISO certified

We are fully committed to utilizing the most advanced technologies, without compromise, aiming to provide the best user experience for our clients. For large organizations, we have repeatedly taken over existing projects and brought them to a successful conclusion. Moreover, we have consistently proven capable of designing and implementing large and complex software systems, ranging from standard administrative software to highly advanced AI and the integration of software with Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

Actoren is our first proprietary product, into which we have poured all our accumulated experience. We have made significant efforts to develop a mature product that requires little maintenance, is easy to expand, and has a solid foundation.

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Our team since 1998

Tight-knit team since 1998

Our company is led by Hans van Nek,, the founder and CEO. We form a close-knit team, with software engineers who have been with us for many years. All our employees have a master’s degree or doctorate and are highly committed to our company. Thanks to their expertise and dedication, Actoren is able to develop the best software in the world.
Wij vormen een hecht team, met software-engineers die al vele jaren bij ons werken. Al onze medewerkers hebben een masterdiploma of doctoraat en zijn zeer betrokken bij ons bedrijf. Dankzij hun expertise en toewijding is Actoren in staat om de beste software ter wereld te ontwikkelen.

Financially Stable & Independent

The journey of Actoren has been intensive, with a decade invested in research, development, and fine-tuning. The entire funding for this extensive process was generated from our own revenue, based on the solid foundation of long-term contracts with our loyal customers.

The fact that we were independent of external financial support, such as from investors or banks, gave us the freedom to execute our vision without hindrance. Our independence allowed us to align closely and uncompromisingly with the actual needs of our users. As a result, Actoren now stands as a revolutionary product in the field of real estate management.

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Microsoft Partner

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Sponsored by Microsoft

Actoren has been implemented on Microsoft Azure, leveraging both its infrastructure and AI capabilities. For this initiative, Microsoft is a sponsor of Actoren.

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